

  • 国内論文
  • 海外論文

村井 宏生, 苛原 誠, 杉本 真弓, 高岡 有理, 高橋 亨平, 和田 拓也, 山本 貴和子, 岡藤 郁夫, 二村 昌樹, 山田 佳之, 海老澤 元宏

CQ3 日本のIgE依存性鶏卵アレルギー患者もしくはその疑いのある者において, 食物経口負荷試験は完全除去回避に有用か? 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 35(5): 490-502, 2021

七條 光市, 杉本 真弓, 山田 進一, 久原 孝, 田中 宏実, 田口 義行, 市岡 隆男, 田山 正伸

徳島県における小児食物アレルギー診療に関するアンケート調査 小児科臨床, 2021年3月;74:322-328

西川真理恵,中瀧恵実子,杉本真弓,綱野祐美子,板垣大雅,小野寺睦雄,大藤 純,西村匡司

慢性肺疾患に細気管支炎、重症air leak syndromeを併発し膜型人工肺により救命した一例. 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 26:195-196,2019


気管支喘息患者において、急性増悪時にβ2刺激薬をスペーサーを用いてpMDIで反復吸入することはβ2刺激薬吸入液を用いた電動式ネブライザーでの反復吸入と比較しより有用か? 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 31(3): 326-35,2017.


クラススイッチを基盤に免疫応答をモニターする高性能タンパクチップの臨床応用. アレルギー 65(6): 764-9,2016


クラススイッチを基盤に免疫環境と免疫応答をモニターする高性能タンパクチップの臨床応用. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科64(5):488-494,2015.


食物アレルギー 徳島大学病院の最新治療がわかる本 p116-117 2015 南々社

杉本真弓, 長尾みづほ, 近藤真理, 貝沼圭吾, 熱田純, 駒田幹彦, 藤澤隆夫

鶏卵アレルギー経口負荷試験結果を予測する因子について:病院とクリニックにおける負荷試験症例比較による解析 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 27(2) in press,2013

長尾みづほ, 町野友美, 杉本真弓, 細木興亜, 藤澤隆夫

三「み」一体のアトピー性皮膚炎治療 小児アトピー性皮膚炎のQOLを考える 皮膚の科学 11巻Suppl.18 Page65-69,2012

Hirokazu Kobushi, Katsutsugu Umeda, Eitaro Hiejima, Kentaro Kato, Mayumi Sugimoto, Hirokazu Kanegane and Junko Takita

Alemtuzumab-based reduced-intensity conditioning for XIAP deficiency. Pediatrics International 65(1): e15576, 2023.

Hiroki Murai, Makoto Irahara, Mayumi Sugimoto, Yuri Takaoka, Kyohei Takahashi, Takuya Wada, Kiwako Yamamoto-Hanada, Ikuo Okafuji, Yoshiyuki Yamada, Masaki Futamura and Motohiro Ebisawa

Is oral food challenge useful to avoid complete elimination in Japanese patients diagnosed with or suspected of having IgE-dependent hen's egg allergy? A systematic review. Allergology International 71(2): 221-9, 2022.

Issei Imoto, Masako Saito, Ken-ichi Suga, Tomohiro Kohmoto, Masanobu Otsu, Keisuke Horiuchi, Hironao Nakayama, Shigeki Higashiyama, Mayumi Sugimoto, Ayumi Sasaki, Yukako Homma, Miki Shono, Ryuji Nakagawa, Yasunobu Hayabuchi, Shoichiro Tange, Shoji Kagami and Kiyoshi Masuda

Functionally confirmed compound heterozygous ADAM17 missense loss-of-function variants cause neonatal inflammatory skin and bowel disease 1. Scientific Reports 11(1): 9553, 2021

Ae M, Imura N, Inubushi T, Abe S, Yusuke B, Sugimoto M, Kamemura N.

Biphenyl-induced cytotoxicity is mediated by an increase in intracellular Zn2. Drug Chem Toxicol 42: 430-5, 2019

Irahara M, Shinahara W, Sugimoto M, Ogawa Y, Shitsukawa K, Kubota K, Ohya Y, Saito H, Kagami S, Kido H

Ovomucoid-specific IgG4 level in cord blood associates negatively with later sensitization. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 30:857-60, 2019.

Irahara M, Shinahara W, Sugimoto M, Ogawa Y, Shitsukawa K, Kubota K, Yang L, Ohya Y, Saito H, Kagami SArisawa K, Kido H

rajectories of class-switching-related egg and cow's milk allergen-specific immunoglobulin isotype formation and its modification by eczema with low- and high-affinity immunoglobulin E during early infancy. Immun Inflamm Dis. 7:74-85, 2019.

Sasaki A, Sugimoto M, Tokaji N, Irahara M, Okamoto K, Uehara H, Kagami S

Efficacy of an elimination diet in a patient with eosinophilic gastroenteritis : a pediatric case with multiple food allergies. J Med Invest. 66:201-4, 2019

Kamenura N, Sugimoto M, Tamehiro N, Adachi R, Tomonari S, Watanabe T, Mito T.

Cross-allergenicity of crustacean and the edible insect Gryllus bimaculatus in patients with shrimp allergy. Mol Immunol 106: 127-34, 2019

Ae M, Imura N, Inubushi T, Abe S, Yusuke B, Sugimoto M, Kamemura N

Biphenyl-induced cytotoxicity is mediated by an increase in intracellular Zn2. Drug Chem Toxicol 11: 1-6, 2018

Inubushi T, Sugimoto M, Kunimi H, Hino H, Tabata A, Imura N, Abe S, Kamemura N

Biphenyl increases the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in HL-60 cells. Fundam Toxicol Sci 5: 99-103, 2018

Sugimoto M, Ono A, Yada K, Mori H, Ishibashi H, Niki N, Kagami S

Manifestation of intraoperative anaphylactic shock along with latex allergy: a pediatric case report. J Med Invest 65: 292-5, 2018

Nagao M, Borres MP, Sugimoto M, Petersson CJ, Nakayama S, Kuwabara Y, Masuda S, Dykiel P, Fujisawa T.

Sensitization to secretoglobin and lipocalins in a group of young children with risk of developing respiratory allergy. Clin Mol Allergy. 15: 4, 2017

Sugimoto M, Kamemura N, Nagao M, Irahara M, Kagami S, Fujisawa T, Kido H.

Differential response in allergen-specific IgE, IgGs, and IgA levels for predicting outcome of oral immunotherapy. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 27: 276-82, 2016

Yasukawa A, Hosoki K, Toda M, Miyake Y, Matsushima Y, Matsumoto, Boveda-Ruiz D, Gil-Bernabe P, Nagao M, Sugimoto M, Hiraguchi Y, Tokuda R, Naito M, Takagi T, D’Alessandro-Gabazza1 CN, Suga S, Kobayashi T, Fujisawa T, Taguchi O, Gabazza EC

Eosinophils Promote Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition of Bronchial Epithelial Cells.PLoS One.8:e64281,2013.

Hosoki K, Nakamura A, Kainuma K, Sugimoto M, Nagao M, Hiraguchi Y, Tanida H, Tokuda R, Wada H, Nobori T, Suga S, Fujisawa T

Differential Activation of Eosinophils by Bacteria Associated with Asthma.Int Arch Allergy Immunol.161:16-22,2013.

Sugimoto M, Kamemura N, Nagao M, Irahara M, Kagami S, Fujisawa T, Kido H

Differential response in allergen-specific IgE, IgGs, and IgA levels for predicting outcome of oral immunotherapy.Pediatr Allergy Immunol.27:276-282,2016.

Hiraguchi Y, Tanida H, Sugimoto M, Hosoki K, Nagao M, Tokuda R, Fujisawa T.

1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 upregulates functional C-x-C chemokine receptor type 4 expression in human eosinophils. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2012;158 Suppl 1:51-7.
